Hey, where can I find the latest builds?
Hey, which build the QA Team is using right now?
The above questions are something that I heard plenty of times, from many people from different company’s areas.
It makes perfect sense: in a continuous deployment environment, it’s easy to be up-to-date: that’s why, considering that I use a nested Google sheet in a Google site to track the information regarding the build deployed from Gitlab CI here is the post of Paolo Galeone, which are ready to be manually tested (smoke testing, feature testing, regression testing, etc), be quickly informed regarding the latest available one, it could be really helpful.
At the moment, the scripts send two notifications using the Discord API and Google API.
To achieve the result I used Google App Script, a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third-party services and build web applications which allow extending Google sheet functionality. Google App Script environment includes some really useful features like a trigger panel.
Here below is the GSheet table portion, updated with the uploaded builds that passed the automation tests in the pipeline:
When the builds are uploaded in the repository (currently Gdrive) after the successful execution of the automated tests via Gitlab's pipeline (as explained in the Francesco Chiatti's post ), the notifications are ready to be sent to all the stakeholders, but how? The idea is to handle the notifications through the flags positioned along the columns W (windows), L (Linux), M (MacOSx): when the flags of a specific column is set on “true” a consistent notification is sent with the build type and its references.
Google Apps Script environment
Google App Script is integrated into the GSheet topbar, via the “Extension” button. The development environment is basically composed of the below sections:
In this section, there is a recap of some information retrieved from the other panels (last run, internal statistics, etc.).
It’s the section where you can create scripts that contain functions and the related code; all the scripts as .gs as the file extension. However, there is a debug section that allows to check the code syntax and run the scripts: all the executions performed via debugger are stored as entries in the Executions panel.
It’s the automatic task that is executed when an event occurs: I used the event when the GSheet is updated, in order to trigger the execution of the scripts every time the flags are set to true; An if condition inside the code allows to solicit the trigger avoiding any sendings, when the event condition is not met.
So what, the trigger is sensible to all the Gsheet updates, but the invoked functions drives the final outcome.
In this section, there are all the entries related to the function executions with some relevant information like the type (debugger, manually or triggered), the timestamp, and the outcome.
Discord Code Script
Differently from the Gmail script one, a Webhook activation from the Discord side is needed.
Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks that are triggered by specific events; whenever the trigger event occurs, the Discord API client sees the event, collects the data, and immediately sends a notification (HTTP request) to the Webhook URL specified in the application settings. These requests are known as webhooks or callbacks.
function sendiscord() { // Select the active Sheet var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Select the active Cell var r1 = s.getActiveCell(); // Get the value of the active cell (true or false) var flag = r1.getValue(); // Get the column of the active cell var col = r1.getColumn(); //Windows Data var w_day = r1.offset(0,-1).getValue(); var w_com = r1.offset(0,3).getValue(); //Linux Data var l_day = r1.offset(0,-2).getValue(); var l_com = r1.offset(0,2).getValue(); //MacOSX Data var m_day = r1.offset (0,-3).getValue(); var m_com = r1.offset (0,1).getValue(); // Current Month var m = new Date().getMonth()+1; var month = ("0" + m.toString().slice(-2)); // Current Year var f_year = new Date().getFullYear().toString(); var year = " "; year = f_year.substring(2,4); if (flag == true && col == 4) { // Windows Selector // POST call using Discord Webhook function sendMessage(message) { var url = "Discord_Webhook_url"; var payload = JSON.stringify({ content: message }); var params = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", payload: payload, muteHttpExceptions: true }; // get the parameters url and params, and print via logger.log function var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params); Logger.log(res.getContentText()); } sendMessage("Download Windows N_" + w_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + w_com + " Here : WINDOWS GDRIVE URL"); } else if (flag == true && col == 5) { // Linux Selector function sendMessage(message) { var url = "Discord_Webhook_url"; var payload = JSON.stringify({ content: message }); var params = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", payload: payload, muteHttpExceptions: true }; // get the parameters url and params, and print via logger.log function var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params); Logger.log(res.getContentText()); } sendMessage("Download Linux N_" + l_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + l_com + " Here: “LINUX GDRIVE URL"); } // MacOS Selector else if (flag == true && col == 6) { // Mac Selector function sendMessage(message) { var url = "Discord_Webhook_url"; var payload = JSON.stringify({ content: message }); var params = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", payload: payload, muteHttpExceptions: true }; // get the parameters url and params, and print via logger.log function var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params); Logger.log(res.getContentText()); } sendMessage("Download MacOSX N_" + m_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + m_com + " Here: “MACOSX GDRIVE URL"); } else { console.log("Don't send") } }
Gmail Code Script
Here below is the Gmail code script; in this case, the Google API Callbacks are automatically allowed thanks to the acknowledgment provided by using the Google App script and the integration with the other Google Services.
Unlike the previous code, other data such as the delta between the commits, have been added to the email format.
function sendmail_t(){ var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var r1 = s.getActiveCell(); var flag = r1.getValue(); var col = r1.getColumn(); //Windows Data var w_day = r1.offset(0,-1).getValue(); var w_com = r1.offset(0,3).getValue(); //Linux Data var l_day = r1.offset(0,-2).getValue(); var l_com = r1.offset(0,2).getValue(); //MacOSX Data var m_day = r1.offset (0,-3).getValue(); var m_com = r1.offset (0,1).getValue(); // Current Month var m = new Date().getMonth()+1; var month = ("0" + m.toString().slice(-2)); // Current Year var f_year = new Date().getFullYear().toString(); var year = " "; year = f_year.substring(2,4); if (flag == true && col == 4){ w_delta = r1.offset(0,4).getRichTextValue().getLinkUrl(); return MailApp.sendEmail({ to: "luca.d@zuru.tech", noReply: true, subject: "New Windows Build", htmlBody: "Download Windows N_" + w_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + w_com + " Here or below: WIN GDRIVE URL <br>" + "<br> Delta:" + w_delta + "<br> <br> QA Board: https://sites.google.com/zuru.tech/qaboard/home <br>" + "<br> <img src='https://blog.zuru.tech/images/logo_zuru.png'> <br>",}); } else if (flag == true && col == 5) { var l_delta = r1.offset(0,3).getRichTextValue().getLinkUrl(); return MailApp.sendEmail({ to: "luca.d@zuru.tech", noReply: true, subject: "New Linux Build", htmlBody: "Download Linux N_" + l_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + l_com + " Here or below: LINUX GDRIVE URL <br>" + "<br> Delta:" + l_delta + "<br> <br> QA Board: https://sites.google.com/zuru.tech/qaboard/home <br>" + "<br> <img src='https://blog.zuru.tech/images/logo_zuru.png'> <br>",}); } else if (flag == true && col == 6) { var m_delta = r1.offset (0,2).getRichTextValue().getLinkUrl(); return MailApp.sendEmail({ to: "luca.d@zuru.tech", noReply: true, subject: "New MacOSX Build", htmlBody: "Download MacOSX N_" + m_day + "_" + month + "_" + year + "-" + m_com + " Here or below: MAC GDRIVE URL <br>" + "<br> Delta:" + m_delta + "<br> <br> QA Board: https://sites.google.com/zuru.tech/qaboard/home <br>" + "<br> <img src='https://blog.zuru.tech/images/logo_zuru.png'> <br>",}); } else { console.log ("Don't send") } }
Discord Notifications Screenshots
The messages coming from the bot defined via webhook:
Gmail Notification Screenshot
Here the samples email received:
Potential Future Reuse
A potential improvement could be to use Gitlab API calls to retrieve data to nourish GSheet statistics and/or retrieve the builds directly from the git repository when the CI/CD ends the daily scheduled task. The notification scripts can be re-used in many cases, and the first feedback regarding this first implementation is really flattering.
[2] MailApp Function