The importance of feedback

A quick discussion on what makes good feedback and why it's so important


Feedback occurs when an environment reacts to an action or behavior. Every day in our life we giving and receiving feedbacks: we say hello to a friend we meet, we become happy by watching a comedy, and we are upset if we enter an examination room. Emotional reactions underlie the concept of feedback.

In a company environment, A feedback turns to the process that describes how the result of a task performed by a person is reflecting on that person, to suggest how to correct and/or improve itself.

Feedback loop

Feedback can be split into three meaningful stages:

  1. Feedback \ Reflection: Focused on what you have reached until today;
  2. Feedup \ Goal Setting: Focused on what you want to achieve tomorrow;
  3. Feedforward \ Future: Focused on the actions to perform based on the previous ones.

Why feedbacks are so important?

The Feedback is an asset for companies and its workers because it allows to create a “communication channel” between the people, encourage collaboration, transparency, build loyalty. From the employer's perspective allow understanding the employees needs, the improvement areas and general monitoring of their work-force. For some companies, this aspect can be evaluated as time waste; instead, be aware of this status means to be interested in company performance and how to improve it.

From the employees perspective, it allows a personal and professional growth, by understanding which corrections perform along their job’s journey. Lack of feedback suggests disinterest and often it’s the root cause of a lose-lose scenario; a very common and uncontrolled feed-forward is the quit of the employees.

The characteristics of good feedback

Profitable feedback should observe these rules:

  • No Prejudices and Free from personal involvement or likings;
  • Planned frequently;
  • Respectful;
  • Can be Positive or Negative and in both cases, must includes suggestions;
  • Bidirectional.


A smart company takes care of the health of a working environment and in this perspective, feedback's quality process is a powerful asset with "no costs".

In Zuru Tech Italy, this aspect is considered; the company is aware of the benefits of mutual and constant feeds, by removing hierarchical barriers, planning frequent meetings with these aims and encouraging people to be open and feel free to discuss frequently.

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